We, the Justus-von-Liebig-Schule, are a vocational school located in the District of Vechta, Lower Saxony, Germany. We offer education in fields such as agriculture, care, home economics, nutrition and pedagogy, and support our students in pursuing vocational qualifications, the general school leaving certificate (equivalent to the GCSE/high school diploma), entrance qualifications for technical colleges as well as the general matriculation standard (equivalent to A-levels) required to enter college or university.
Following our guiding principles, we pride ourselves in transparently cooperating with businesses, training facilities and other organisations. At the same time, we value intercultural education and support the peaceful coexistence of various cultures, beliefs and denominations. Owing to our pronounced pedagogic background, our school places emphasis on developing our students‘ interpersonal skills, enabling them to communicate skilfully, and to successfully navigate today’s working world.
To achieve our goals, we offer various types of projects and cooperations, ranging from the ECDL (European Computer Driving License) to recurring inclusive music workships with Cologne-based musical educator Bea Nyga. We are also proud to have been awarded the title of „Umweltschule in Europa“, which rewards schools promoting environmental friendliness and sustainability.
If there are further questions the short introduction above could not sufficiently answer, you may always contact us for further support. Our office can be reached via landline at (+49)-4441-9313-0 or this linked e-mail address. We are looking forward to hearing from you.